This is a picture I took early in the morning one day while I was on a run. I am quite proud of it. It is just a bunch of houses as far as I know.
I also really liked the steak dinner Jannica and I had the day we left. And there were the excellent pastas. The waiters were quite funny too. I should have taken pictures of them. There are so many things I wish I had taken pictures of. I have rectified that situation and am taking as many pictures now of Jordan as I can. One waiter responded "by all means" to everything we asked. A waitress was really funny when we asked her what she recommended on the menu, she said, "oh, that is too much responsibility for me, I mean, what if you do not like it!" or something to that effect. She also would take random leap size steps while going back and froth from the resaraunt and our table. Oh, and did I mention how beautiful sounding Italian is. That is one languange, if you are thinking of learning another languange, that comes highly recommended. Especially for all you Spanish speakers, I am sure it could be picked up in no time at all. Which reminds me of a story about Jannica, she was listening to some girls speaking outside a Basillica and telling herself, "Wow, I really know a lot of Italian words and this or that word is really close to Spanish." She was surprised at the fluncy with which she understood what they were saying and becoming quite impressed with herself until she realized that they were actaully speaking in Spanish and not Italian! Silly Jannica. Jannica actaully was quite impressive with the Italian phrases she knew. Well, I will write more later about the chaotic Egypt and then about Jordan.